Friday 21 February 2014

Marie Rowland on Celensoft Instant

Celensoft Instant is a social networking and email clientfor your desktop, it offers an attractive, organised andunobtrusive way to keep up to date with all your social networking accounts at once.

Celensoft Instant integrates Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail and Google+ in one easy-to-follow and convenient interface. This application is a dream come true for anyone who spends their days juggling a lot of social networking accounts. If the manipulation of social media accounts is a part of your daily job then this is an essential accessory for your desktop.

It can be awkward and annoying having to manage a series of tabs with your Facebook, Twitter etc. accounts, it can slow down the speed of your computer and it isn’t the smoothest or most efficient way of keeping up-to-date with correspondence. Celensoft Instant offers a convenientpush notification feature so that you are notified and shown information on your accounts' latest activity. This is essentially multi-tasking software. You can work away on documents, spread sheets, multimedia editors etc. while still keeping on top of online social interactions by the non interfering window that the application produces when there are any notifications.

Annoyingly this free version of Celensoft Instant only offers a 10 use trial. You tend to become attached to the application fairly quickly, it is so easy-to-use and manageable that you begin to wonder how you ever lived without it when your trial runs out!

My favourite element of Celensoft Instant is Quick Note. This is a clever little tool that allows you to take notes while you browse and then auto-saves so your musings are never lost! This is a great addition for anyone, like me, who gets ideas from browsing and then forgets to write them down,Quick Note is the saviour of the absent-minded!

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